Trident’s Story
Trident's Story
Trident the friendly lab/rottweiler mix, holds a special place in the hearts of everyone at San Juan Animal Hospital and marks our continued involvement with NEVER QUIT®, an organization that honors the US Military and Veterans through a series of fitness events for all ages.
Trident was brought to San Juan Animal Hospital at just 12 months old after being rescued Erik Petroni. The poor pup was found limping in the rain from a hurt hip, dehydrated, exhausted, and emaciated.
Our team provided free medical services to the ailing Trident. He received x-rays and screenings that revealed a dislocated hip, malnutrition, and an infestation of fleas and ticks. Over the course of a few days, he made a full recovery and with much love and care from his new owner is now living a very comfortable life.
Perhaps the most heartwarming part of Trident’s story is how a community came together to give him his name. The TRIDENT Challenge is an event with three legs (running, swimming, and board paddling) much like the young dog found limping on 3 legs. When the members of the “Never Quit Never” Facebook page were asked what they thought would be a good name, it was a unanimous choice: TRIDENT.
This is how we found Trident. Named after the Trident Challenge Triathlon held annually as part of the NEVER QUIT event in Jacksonville, FL.
From the rescuer:
“2 tired guys and one now super clean dog. Trident is all washed and dry and ready for his hip operation. Dr. Bennett and Dr. Guill of San Juan Animal Hospital of Jacksonville will be performing the operation on Trident this morning. Thanks to all of you, Trident will go from a homeless hurt dog, who could only use 3 legs and did not want to give up on hope to all of you giving him 100% hope and love. As you know. When God entrusted us to take care of everything that is in this earth, it is so wonderful that we can do one tiny part help and never quit to enhance the life of someone else. Human or animal.”
NEVER QUIT® is an annual event started by Erik Petroni to honor his father, Captain Gerard Petroni’s philosophy to NEVER QUIT®. The event challenges athletes and the local community to a series of physical feats that inspire all involved to NEVER QUIT®.
Learn more about the incredible story of optimism and spirit behind NEVER QUIT® and how you can get involved here: